movie posters re-design
movie posters re-design

Minimal Movie Poster Re-design
Minimal Movie Poster Re-design

a film by Gareth Edwards
a film by Gareth Edwards

a film by Darren Aronofsky

I 400 Colpi (Les Quatre Cents Coups)
François Truffaut

Il Divo
a film by Paolo Sorrentino


Funny Games
a film by Michael Haneke

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
(Uomini che odiano le donne)

Apocalypse Now

Black Swan

Colombo (Peter Falk tribute)

Deep Red
(Profondo Rosso)

Eyes Wide Shut
This image has been randomly selected via Internet search to improve my style and to learn to appreciate other people’s taste.
The selection of these images are informative examples of things that I like. I do not hold the copyright of these images.
This image has been randomly selected via Internet search to improve my style and to learn to appreciate other people’s taste.
The selection of these images are informative examples of things that I like. I do not hold the copyright of these images.

Django Unchained
a film by Quentin Tarantino